Saturday 14 May 2011


oh boy what a long week it has been... I haven’t had a chance to write in what seemed like endless working hours ( so bear with me on this one), but it was worth it, I guess, all in a days I kept on sleeping late and waking up late ( yeah... early to bed early to rise, well the reverse is true). Though it was a quite week, I did a lot of learning and I can say growth on some levels. May 1st to May 16th thereabouts is normally one of the toughest weeks for me since 2007, see it was in this week that, that I lost my best friend Wycliffe Matini Malu, he passed on at the age of 21years because some doctor misdiagnosed him, but I really recount on the things that he taught m, at that young age he was a real wise guy... one day we are sitting arguing over whether I should date this girl or not, she had been gibing me quite the umm... hard time, DRAMA! so he says " Willis, if you date this girl you will get a C+ and if you don’t you will get an A" suffice it to say I thought he was talking about education, and may I add that I did date that girl and I did get a C+ (coinincidence hmmm..??) but I thought it through and I realize he wasn’t talking about education he was talking about life, what kind of deal I was getting myself into, what it meant for me... He meant that I had to value my life so much that I had to believe that I deserve the best grade, the best that life had to offer, now am not saying that she was a C+ coz I know her, she has registered quite the growth herself but at that time us being together would not create the best for both of us....but it was his words on the death bed that really got to me, he sat there and told the people around him," Tell my brothers then he called us out by name ( Steve, Willis, Robert, Victor, Nathan) to keep loving each other and to show the world the same love they have shown me.." with that he went to be with the Lord.... I had never cried when anybody passed on, but when he did, and we were told of it... I wept like a baby, and I did not care who was there.......

But he taught me (among the many other things) that love is not overrated, that whenever we show love how ever little of it, it lights a light in someone's heart, that no kind gesture is ever in vain. He made me realize that true love, is not one that sees others and wants to get from them but one that sees them and wants to give to them, to add value to their lives to make them better, and that is the basis of character. Character is doing something right even when there is an opportunity to do wrong, I learnt that this week as well, character is making people better; it is the basis of integrity it is founded on love. Love is not a four letter word, it is not the reserve of couples, it is a bond, a chord of individual's essence, a knot that binds heart and soul and it’s real. To give up on love is to give up on God because God is love. 

Don’t give up on love, jut because your heart was broken and you were not treated right or they didn't call or they you don’t feel the same anymore, or because you had a fight... Believe...don’t say but...but... oh no get your but out of the way (pun intended) quit making excuses and work on it. I always say Love on purpose! Coz if God can love you with your messed up self, you sure can make room in your heart for one more... I got so much to say but I will live with the first thing I thought of today morning

“Sometimes you take at your life and realize how far you have come, and you’ll know, you are a miracle"
Enough said

R.I.P WYCLIF MARTINI MALU > you touch my heart when you were alive, you touch my soul now that you are gone